Asia’s first global museum of Asian modern visual culture
The museum is as much a reflection of Hong Kong’s historical significance as it is a place to celebrate said significance
The Underwater Museum of Cannes is Jason deCaires Taylor’s...
It’s situated near one of the Lerins islands just off the coast of Cannes, France, and it features impressions of local residents immortalised in cement
The C Seed M1 foldable TV is a minimalist’s dream for maxi...
165 inches of microLED tech that disappears into your living space like never before
Urban Sun: illumination that’s cleansing public spaces
The latest oeuvre by Dutch designer Daan Roosegarde is inspired by the sun’s purifying glare
Object of Desire: Technics SL-1210GAE Limited Edition Direct...
To celebrate its 55th anniversary, consummate audiophile Technics is releasing a limited edition turntable based on the much-acclaimed Grand Class SL-1200
AI Art House: Classical paintings birthed from digital minds
The service that’s democratising one-of-a-kind oeuvres painted by algorithm rather than by hand