Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

With the rising popularity of this seemingly basic kitchen staple, we examine what the buzz is all about.
By Corina Tan
apple cider


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been making its rounds as a bit of a ‘miracle cure’ lately, although it has actually been used for centuries as a home remedy to treat ailments. In the past, it was also commonly used as a disinfectant, as well as a preservative.  ACV is basically fermented apple cider.  During the production process, sugar in apples is fermented by yeast or bacteria added to the cider, which then turns into alcohol, and finally into vinegar.  Well-known for its use in blood sugar regulation and weight loss, there are claims that its health benefits are actually aplenty.  Here are some of them:


  • Weight Loss

ACV has the potential to help you lose weight due to the metabolic changes that happen to your body.  It can reduce appetite and maintain a feeling of fullness after meals longer.  In addition to that, it can also curb cravings for sweet things.  The acetic acid content in ACV may also help break down fat.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

A daily dose of ACV can help lower average blood sugar levels as it increases the efficiency of insulin in breaking down sugar.  Incorporating ACV in meals might help pre-diabetics from ever developing the condition.

  • Heart Health

Triglycerides cause fatty plaque along the arteries that clog and block blood flow.  ACV helps neutralise and lower cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks.

  • Tummy Solutions

ACV has been suggested as a solution to many digestive issues including hyperacidity, indigestion, diarrhoea and intestinal spasms.  It is purported to have antibiotic properties that help with bacterial infections, and contain pectin which can soothe an upset stomach.  The prebiotics contained in ACV is also beneficial to the healthy microorganisms that regulate digestion.

  • Better Nutrient Absorption

ACV may help the intestines absorb calcium, iron and other vitamins and minerals from food.  This will help the body function better and increase overall health.

(See also: Is Intermittent Fasting For You?)

  • Decrease Cancer Risk

Some findings demonstrate that ACV has potential anti-cancer benefits.  Acetic acid which is in ACV is alkalising and restores the balance of the acid/alkaline levels in the body which is important because cancer thrives in an acidic environment.

  • Improves Bad Breath

ACV’s antibacterial properties can help kill bad breath by drinking it every day and also using it as a mouthwash.  It can be diluted with water half an hour before brushing teeth so that the acid does not wear down the teeth’s enamel.

  • Soothes Sore Throat

In the early stages of a sore throat, ACV helps fight off the infection.  A quarter cup of ACV mixed with half a cup of warm water to be gargled every hour or so brings quick relief.

  • Clears Acne

ACV’s antibacterial properties may help keep acne under control.  It can be used as a natural toner and might help soften, exfoliate, reduce red spots and balance the PH of the skin.  Spot checks are encouraged before usage to ensure skin irritation does not occur as some people could be sensitive.


apple cider


While there are many other benefits that ACV brings to the table, some people aren’t keen to use it.  One major reason why people hesitate to try ACV is its taste which is a bit tart and sour.  It also has a strong smell that may put some people off.  Besides its unusual taste and smell, consuming it neat is also not encouraged as it could do some damage to your teeth and oesophagus.  Also, when used topically, it may cause some irritation, so it would be best to test it in a small area of the skin first.

Taken internally, ACV can be diluted in water, mixed into a favourite drink or smoothie, and added to salads and other dishes.  When mixed with water, for example, start with one teaspoon to glass and slowly work your way up.  You could go up to two tablespoons diluted to get some of the benefits that may boost your health in a variety of ways.  With everything new, start cautiously and watch for how your body responds before progressing further, and if you have an underlying illness, consult your doctor to ensure there are no interactions with any existing medication or any unwanted adverse effects.

(See also: The Truth About Collagen)

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