This sleek wine carrier protects your precious tipple while travelling

Layers of military-grade fabric, impact foam and stylish leather protects your wine bottle from the elements.
by Richard Ng


Say you’re overseas flexing that newfound freedom in a remote village deep in the heart of Italian wine country, and you stumble upon a bottle that you just need to have. And shipping isn’t an option for a prized bottle – what then?

Well, you’d need to bring the bottle home yourself. But we all know that doing so leads to a host of other problems, such as breakages, leakages and unstable temperatures during transit. Save the trouble and purchase a wine carrier, designed to house your wine picked up from during your vacation.

This is where US-based company Vinarmour comes in, after its founder Brian Hart and his partner Heather went through the exact scenario above.

A sleek & nifty wine carrier


Their luxury wine carrier does a few things. For one it protects your bottle of fine vino from sudden impact, thanks to a dense layer of impact protection foam. Forget the worries about accidental damage from tossing around luggage and unforeseen falls. This wine carrier gives you lightweight protection, with just a fraction of the bulk compared to multiple layers of bubble wrap, freeing up precious space in your suitcase.

A shell of military-grade, puncture-resistant Kevlar and Dyneema fabrics further protect your bottle from external harm. If the bottle breaks, the wine carrier prevents one from getting punctured by shards of glass, saving the need for wardrobe change.

And if you don’t find a bottle of wine at all, that’s fine too, since the protective bag is collapsible too, unlike a traditional hard case.

The protective wine carrier exudes the same gravitas as the valuable bottle within, which means you can bring it straight to your dinner appointment without a shred of reservation. And the waxed cotton exterior (produced by Dundee Scotland) and leather straps courtesy of Chicago’s Horween Leather Company only get prettier as they age – just like the exquisite wine they protect.

Find out more: Vinarmour.

This story originally published in The Peak Singapore.


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