Part 2: Simple Ways To Manage Stress

Stress can be debilitating, but with simple steps to manage it, you can overcome the situation you are facing and find comfort and relief before things progress to a chronic...
Text by Corina Tan

Here are some simple ways to prevent stress from getting out of hand.

Breathing & Meditation

Meditation is the simple act of clearing your mind from everything that keeps it busy. Find a quiet place to sit and close your eyes, breathe deeply and focus on your breath alone. When you find thoughts creeping back in, bring your attention back to your breathing. While shallow breathing causes stress, deep breathing oxygenates the blood, helps centre the body and clear the mind.

Step Outside

Research shows that time outside can provide a different perspective and a positive boost. Sitting in the sunshine, getting some fresh air or taking a stroll in a beautiful garden surrounded by nature can help you relax and calm your mind.


It is commonly said that laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes it can really be just the thing you need to lighten your mood and make your brain release more endorphins. Laughter stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles which help with your circulation.


Write down all the good that is happening in your life and the many things to be grateful for. Many times, during stressful times, our focus is on what’s worrying or troubling us. A reminder of all the positivity in life is a good way to put things in perspective and feel better.

Reach out

Find a friend or family member and make a connection. Building social connections provides support and helps you cope with stressful situations. Fostering good relationships are one of the best ways to be happier and takes the edge of negativity you feel.

Listen to music

When overwhelmed by a long day or an extremely difficult situation, listening to some relaxing music can have a positive effect on your brain and body. Listening to classical music can lower your blood pressure and reduce the stress hormone – cortisol. Some other alternatives to listen to would be sounds of the ocean, rain or other sounds of nature.

Watch what you eat & drink

Eat regular meals to keep yourself healthy, as skipping meals may add stress to your body. Avoid drinking too much caffeine or soda, instead opt for lemon tea, plain water or some calming teas like chamomile.


No need for strenuous weightlifting or cardio at the gym. All you need is some quick stretches during breaks or a stroll outside the office which can immediately offer relief in a stressful situation.


Stress can make you lose sleep, but a lack of sleep can also cause stress. Instead of being caught up in a vicious cycle, practice some daily habits leading up to bedtime. Turn off the TV earlier, dim the lights and set the mood for some downtime so you can relax before actually getting into bed. Have a bedtime routine and stick to it to ensure you have a good healthy rhythm going that aids in falling asleep and getting 7 to 8 hours of solid rest.

Last but not least, let’s take a look at the Surprising Benefits of Gardening.

Images: Getty


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