We’re All Set to See Augmented Reality Come into the Spotlight!

We’re All Set to See Augmented Reality Come into the Spotlight!

It used to be the realms of geeks and gamers, but now augmented reality is set to go mainstream.

Looks like more and more consumers adopt augmented reality technology and tech media reports that at the end of 2020, there were a total of 598 million AR active devices, and this is projected to increase to 1.73 billion by 2024!

As more consumers adopt augmented reality technology, here’s a snapshot of key AR technology to keep track of, and how these will change our world within this decade!

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5G is Finally Here to Boost AR Adoption!

Augmented reality

Sure, 5G has been a hot topic over the last couple of years. But now, with an estimated 221 million 5G mobile phones in the market from major brands like Apple, Samsung, and LG, 5G is no longer coming… it is already here! 5G has long promised to usher in AR and Virtual Reality (VR) in a very similar way that 3G did for mobile video and 4G for social media and apps. 5G enables richer visual content, lower latency, and consistent quality for extreme throughput-dependent AR experiences.

With phones in hand, and networks coming together–we should expect to see 5G-enabled AR experiences rolled out to a wider audience this year.

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