The Peak Women We Love 2024
I often get asked how we at The Peak select the personalities to front our magazine’s cover. First and foremost, the answer is that we always go for people with an interesting story to tell.
The six outstanding women we have on our Women We Love cover this year; Dr Alice Lee, the CEO of Cosway Group, Deborah Henry, the Co-founder of Fugee School, Lim Siu Min, the Group CEO of Vision New Media, Datin Noor Kartini, Founder of Young and Glow, Nadiah Wan, Group CEO of TMC Life Sciences and CEO of Thomson Hospitals and Monica Lai, the Group CEO of ECCAZ, have more than just an interesting story to tell.
These outstanding individuals are business figures and entrepreneurs who lead with conviction and a daring that is often needed in the high-stakes industries they serve. We’ve highlighted some of the most inspiring quotes from these remarkable women here and we hope their stories will bring you a renewed sense of purpose in pursuing your convictions.
Dr Alice Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Cosway Group
“I’m not afraid to ask stupid questions. I think, even if you’re the youngest person in the room, you need to dive right in and ask about the things no one else is. That’s how I realised that we actually needed to use the data we already had to drive our (business) decisions.”
Deborah Henry, Co-founder of Fugee School
“We’re not looking for handouts, this isn’t about charity, it is about basic human rights. It’s important for people to know that this isn’t about taking something away from a Malaysian to give to someone else; it’s about enabling and empowering people to build their own lives, so they get to contribute back.”
Lim Siu Min, Group CEO of Vision New Media
“What we want to do is tell Malaysian and Asian stories, a lot more than what we’ve been doing, and you have to do it with partners. We are nowhere near the top of our industry, at least by my internal scorecard, so getting one of our international projects off the ground this year will be a huge step.”
Datin Noor Kartini Noor Mohammed, Founder of Young & Glow
“I only create and sell products that I myself would use or consume. It makes it more enjoyable when you’re promoting a product you love, and it’s much easier than if you’re trying to sell something you’re not satisfied with. I also believe that it’s simple: if you make something of high quality, your customers will be satisfied and they will come back, buy more and also recommend your product to the people around them.”
Monica Lai, Group Chief Executive Officer of ECCAZ
“Sustainable and resilient cities are cities where its people can work, live and play in a productive, healthy and wholesome manner. Where we work, live and play and how we travel and connect between these places play an important part in determining how productive, healthy and wholesome our lives are.”
Nadiah Wan, Group CEO of TMC Life Sciences and CEO of Thomson Hospitals
“You have to realise what’s important in your life and get your priorities. When you’re younger, you tend to put a lot of emphasis into your career because you want financial stability, but at the end of the day, you have to also bear in mind what you’re sacrificing.”