A Look At the Fantastic World of Cigar Humidors.

A Look At the Fantastic World of Cigar Humidors.

All Puffed Up


Davidoff Cigars has called upon the fertile imagination of French marquetry artisan, Rose Saneuil, to craft the new limited Masterpiece Humidor Damajagua Edition. Inspired by the forested Damajagua region of the Dominican Republic, a source of filler tobacco for Davidoff since 2002, the humidor is a colourful ode to the lush landscape, festooned with a vivid vermilion bird swooping over the Caribbean forest below. Saneuil incorporated tobacco leaves picked from Damajagua into her marquetry work for the humidor, blending them together with other materials including sycamore wood, parchment and lamb leather to form 318 pieces that are then carefully put together. The inside of the Masterpiece Humidor Damajagua Edition is fashioned from Gabon wood and keeps up to 250 cigars in a stable humidity of 70 to 72 per cent.




Featuring a tourbillon constructed from 323 parts with a Clous de Paris guilloché dial, the Emperador cigar chest by Imperiali Genève is a prime depiction of Swiss savoir-faire. Inside lies 24 extraordinary Grand Cru cigars wrapped in four gold leaves and arranged in individual glass tubes that are protected by a personal secret code. Produced in Switzerland, the Emperador cigar chest definitely looks like it belongs in Batman’s cave, with a deep black exterior that elegantly masks some pretty impressive technology – the world’s first self-regulating humidity system. The external environment simply cannot affect the constant humidity level of 70 per cent and temperatures of between 16 to 18°C inside. To complete the experience, inconspicuous drawers slide out to reveal a cigar cutter with a laser positioning system, table lighter and a sensor-activated ashtray. Find out more at imperiali-geneve.com.


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