In this two-storey apartment belonging to a finance industry professional, designer Jerry Tan of Joey Khu ID created distinct areas for work and play.
The sale also coincides with the release of two new collections; the Nawabari and the Cancún Outdoor Kollektion.
Lar+D’s sensitive nip-and-tuck to this 1960s bungalow in Singapore results in a beloved home for a young family.
In this three-storey inter-terrace belonging to a family of four, designer Ethan Lin of TE-EL sought to create a cosy nest that marries the disparate tastes of its owners.
The Culture of Creativity exhibition presents Marino’s personal collection, which has been amassed over 40 years, in dialogue with the boutique’s existing artworks.
From ceramic stools to vases made from calf leather offcuts and Japanese paper fibre, the emerging trends this year are anything but boring.