Cutlery reinvented? 5 forks, knives and spoons with a unique twist

Cutlery reinvented? 5 forks, knives and spoons with a unique twist

A machine gun spoon and pliers knife are just the tip of this iceberg.

To encourage individuals to pay attention to their food, the Amsterdam-based Steinbeisser art initiative worked with more than 50 artists to reinvent cutlery. Says co-founder Martin Kullik: “People barely chew any more. Everyone rushes when they eat. Interactive tableware forces people to slow down and think about how, not just what, they eat.” The pieces are used in Michelin-starred restaurants in the Netherlands, and more recently New York, to create experimental dinners. Our note to diners: Don’t go famished.

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What makes one material more valuable than another? Stuart Cairns questions this with his Machine Gun Spoon. Using natural or found items, the Irish silversmith explores ways to reinterpret his craft. The silver spoon here is handcrafted and attached by a linen thread to a plastic toy gun he found on a beach.

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